• (613) 256–4560
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President's Message

From the Hack,

And that’s a wrap!

What a terrific season of curling. I hope you all had an amazing year. The ice was great, and the curling was terrific. It was amazing to see the improved quality of play this year. All of the leagues and programs that facilitated our three hundred plus members were running smoothly and it showed. Well over a thousand games of curling took place at our club this season.

So much happened this year and there are so many people to thank.

In April 2023 you showed up in big numbers to our AGM where the board of directors were given the task of creating a new form of governance. In October 2021 new provincial legislation governing Not-for-Profit organizations like ours came into force, and we have until October 2024 to make changes to our incorporating and other documents to bring them in line with the new legislation. Our committee of Helen, Judith and Gerry navigated their way through this endeavour and we are now ready to present their work to the membership.  I hope you’ll visit the website, review the new by-laws and the backgrounder document, and attend the Annual Meeting on April 30 to vote and bring them into force.

We formed a health and safety committee, developed a code of conduct and a communications plan, and improved our website to name just a few of the changes. We also approved a new logo design that Wendy M created and are happy to have a consistent, ‘official’ logo for use going forward.

In November you showed up in large numbers to our Municipal Council to ensure that a much needed, new ice plant was approved for next season. This would not have happened without your support.

We thank Scott for bringing in a line of clothing and apparel which is being shown off with pride by our members.

Thanks to Wendy C and Bruce we created a lovely, new and clean entrance to our clubhouse. This improvement is just a start of what we hope to see at our club in the near future.

We held the very prestigious Presidents’ Cup and by all accounts the tournament was a huge success. Every aspect of this event including our club’s performance was top notch. Steve, Stephanie and their army of dedicated volunteers made sure this event was a classic and they passed the torch on to Arnprior for next year.

Our bonspiels were full and well run and due to the generosity of ACC members, we once again were able to donate to great local causes. The Almonte General Hospital Foundation, Love4Reesie, and The Lanark Food Bank were all beneficiaries of our organization.

Throughout the year we held a junior coaching program and our younger members are making great progress. Keith L also re-introduced the schools program, bringing in two hundred plus children from our local schools to try out our great sport. The future of our club is strong. Thank you Keith, and your helpers.

We awarded four members with our coveted awards this year. Nora, Gerry, Laura and    Lauryn were all well deserving choices and were honoured by our acknowledgment of the roles they all played this year.

I am happy to announce that your board has placed a price freeze of registration for next year! As well, your answers to our club survey have given us the direction to create a few new leagues, which you’ll be hearing about over the summer. Thanks to Ian M for putting together this survey.

It has been my honour to act as your president this year. As president my role is simple – stay out of the way! Our dedicated volunteers, too numerous to mention, are the people who keep this Curling Center running and without each of you this club would not exist. Enjoy your summer and I look forward to seeing you all next season.



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Upcoming Events

17 Sep 2024;
NEW Floor Installation
17 Sep 2024;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
19 Sep 2024;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
21 Sep 2024;
09:00AM - 11:50AM
28 Sep 2024;

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Us

Almonte Curling Club

160 Bridge Street DIRECTIONS

PO Box 309
Almonte, ON
K0A 1A0


Club Manager   clubmgr@almontecurling.ca
Rentals   clubmgr@almontecurling.ca
Sponsorship   sponsor@almontecurling.ca
Membership   member@almontecurling.ca
E-transfers   etransfer@almontecurling.ca
Youth Coordinator   youth@almontecurling.ca

About The Club

Curling has been an integral part of the lives of the residents of the Mississippi Mills area for over 150 years. The Almonte Curling Club was established in 1855, and is the eighth oldest curling club in North America. The current four-sheet facility attached to the Almonte Arena at 160 Bridge Street opened in 1989.

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